Friday, November 12, 2010

God has a great sense of humor

While trying to study for my big biology test that is next week, I swear every distraction possible happened, people knocking on my door, texts from friends, people wanting to go to dinner with me, and last but not least the urge to spend time on Facebook.

It truly has been an amazing day, I am starting to feel under the weather and worrying about my upcoming trip. I just need to remember to breath in and breath out and keep going

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A new day has come

Today is my slowest day of the week at school I have no classes and only 2 meetings today , this leaves me with down time. I am in the middle of trying to juggle school life and my health. When I am at school I try to keep both things separate and for the most part it works.
Last night I was really overwhelmed with everything going on and was glad to have my ffriend katie knock on my door and she knew right away something was bothering me.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Life in college!

I am having a blast at school!

We are on the 7th week of this term and time has just flown by, I am enjoying every step of the way!
I wish things would settle down in a good way! But I am taking life just one step at a time.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bam B ama

“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.”
I found this quote on a friends blog and it really got me thinking about my own life. Sometimes I complain about how hard it is to be me and why I cant get strength to accomplish everything that needs to be done in the day but if only i would stop breath in and out and remember this was all apart of gods plan for me, I need to not sweat the small stuff and enjoy the good times along the way!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

First day of blogging

Today I have not felt so good, I feel like school consumes all my time and all I am left with is a head ache and 10 more hours of homework to do.
I cant complain though because I believe everything happens for a reason.
while sitting in psychology class today I realized how much students take for graned the opportunity to get a higher education. I know some students parents pay for their college but seriously why are you here if all your going to do is drink and party and then sleep in class.... why did you even come to class?

Today is a new beginning
With much love and grace,